Ola Örnberg

Name: Ola Örnberg

Job/place: Special education teacher, Lund

Age: 59

Instagram: _eaglemountain

How did you start running?

I started running when, at the age of 39, I traded nicotine for endorphins. After that, it has become part of my lifestyle, and today I coach other runners in different contexts. I enjoy technical trails in the forest best.

Do you have a special ritual before a race?

For me, it is important to be there in good time before the start. Then I have time to be social and talk to others, warm up and tinker with equipment. Over the years, it has become close to 100 races, but now I choose carefully and it is usually trail races. The focus is fitness and feeling good, so I never compete.

What are your best recovery tips after a race?

To replenish energy early after the finish line. Then both the brain and muscles perk up faster and it has a positive effect even in the days after. Even if you take energy during the race, you are at a loss afterwards.

On the days you don't feel like working out, what motivates you to do it anyway?

The good feeling that I know comes afterwards. Finding variety in training is also a driving force. If the body doesn't want to do a fast session, I can do a slower one instead. Or I switch to alternative training and do a yoga or strength session. I have that again in the running track later.

Which shoe from Topo is your favorite and why?

In trail running, the favorites are Terraventure and MT-4. On longer rounds I can choose the Ultraventure. In town I drive the Phantom and at work I have the ST series which is my favorite sneaker.

Here a happy picture from when we ran the Österlen Spring Trail with Glädjeknuff