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Isaberg Trail

White & Green Ribbon

What is Fjällfararna's White & Green Ribbon?

Fjällfararnas White & Green Ribbon is an award you get if you travel by your own power the entire Scandinavian mountain chain, about 1300 km, in any direction between Treriksröset and Grövelsjön. White Ribbon in winter, Green Ribbon for the bare ground season.

Who is behind the White & Green Ribbon?

The idea came about during the expedition Around Sweden -97, when Torkel and Annica Ideström took skis, bicycles and kayaks around the country's borders. The couple then founded the concept, inspired by the Blue Ribbon of the Sea Paddlers. In the winter of 2010, the first White Ribbons were carried out, followed by the first Green Ribbons in the summer of 2010. Today, Torkel and Annica run the concept together with their friend and colleague Sara Wänseth. All three are dedicated and passionate mountain and outdoor people, living in western Jämtland.

What will happen in the year 2024?

In 2024, there will be a major focus on working increasingly for environmental and social sustainability. The journey to and from the Ribbon tour, the equipment issue, benefiting the local communities the Ribbons pass through and taking the utmost care of reindeer husbandry and our indigenous Sami people are some of the things that will be prioritized.

Another exciting and big investment is a test of the White & Green Ribbon Stage, ahead of an opening for far more people to do something with the Bands, but in the form of sections.

You are also invited to a graduation meeting in Järvsö on 5–6 October, where all interested parties are welcome.

What is the vision and goal of the White & Green Ribbon?

The vision reads "For the promotion and development of long, sustainable tours in our Scandinavian mountains. For knowledge, feeling, experience and an experience for life.

The goal and hope of the Ribbons is to increase interest in long, sustainable mountain tours and to contribute with increased knowledge of and feeling for the mountains' valuable and unique nature and culture. And, of course, to help people fulfill their mountain dreams!

What is the best thing about the White & Green Band?

Those who can answer that best are, of course, the Ribbons themselves. Some quotes from 2023 are:

Sabina & Nils, White Ribbon: ”Appreciated incredibly all the people we met. Very funny that so many people noticed us White Ribbons and greeted and cheered!”

Sara, Green Ribbon: ” Unbelievable!!! Biggest adventure I've ever been on!”

Isabel, White Ribbon: " An intense, magnificent and demanding roller coaster with deep valleys and extremely high peaks ."

Henrik, Green Ribbon : "Fantastic journey for body and soul, this gave me joy, development, fun and many new encounters. Unbelievable – everyone should go!”